Expert settings:
- Preset settings are stored in “KinectSandbox_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings” folder. Settings_0.json – settings_9.json files correspond to button presets 0-9.
- In Touchscreen version there is only one setting file.
- All parameters changed while software is running (‘Keys to control’ description) are saved to the settings file after exit – shortcut ALT+F4.
- Parameter list:
- “GameMode”:true, – AR-BALL Game ON/OFF Value: true/false*
- “TargetFPS”:15, – FPS; recommended value: 30 Value: 5-50
- “RefreshRate”:4, – changes how fast the app responds to changes in sand; recommended value: 1 Value :0-4
- “TerrainBottomLevel”:-50.800106048583987, – changes the projected bottom level of the map; Keys to control W,S
- “TerrainTopLevel”:-39.100181579589847, – changes the projected top level of the map; Keys to control Q,A
“TerrainBottomLevel” value has to be lower than “TerrainTopLevel” – the number is higher, since the values are negative.
- “TerrainMinLevel”:-80.0 (only applies to the touchscreen height option) – changes the projected bottom level of the map;
- “TerrainMaxLevel”:-10.0 (only applies to the touchscreen height option) – changes the projected top level of the map;
- “Walls”:{“Right”:450,”Left”:127,”Top”:288,”Bottom”:122}, – sandbox projected dimensions; Keys to control: T,Y – left border, G,H – right border, U,J – upper border, I,K – lower border;
- “WaterDropOffset”:10 – distance (in mm) above the top level (“SandboxTopLevel”) of the sandbox, required to activate the waterflow; recommended value: 200 Value: 0-300
- “SandboxTopLevel”:895,– distance from the sensor (in mm), treated as the top level of the physical sandbox; anything closer to the sensor is cut out; Keys to control Z,X
- “SandboxBottomLevel”:1155, – distance from the sensor (in mm), treated as the bottom level of the physical sandbox; Keys to control C,V
- “ColourPalette”:0, – colour palette from folder: KinectSandbox_Data\StreamingAssets\Colors; numbers correspond to the actual order of files in the folder
- “TerrainSmoothColors”:false – smooth colour transitions ON/OFF Value: true/false
- “TerrainTopoLines”:true, – isohypses ON/OFF Value: true/false
- “SavingPath”:”D:/”} FBX. – export folder Value: USB/HDD Drive letters*
- “OverlayImage”:”test.png” – image projected on the map (has to be .png) from folder: KinectSandbox_Data\StreamingAssets\Overlayimages;
- “MainScreenResolution”:{“Width”:0,”Height”:0} – sets projection resolution other than default (default is 1920×1080); Value Width: 0-1920, Height: 0-1200
*some parameters correspond to module setting and it’s not active if module is not licensed
Always make a backup! Change settings responsibly.