The color palettes are a way to visualize the structures created in the sandbox. There are a wide range of predefined ones, but you can add your own if you like. There are some guidelines and limitations on how to do this, which you will learn about below.
You can find the color palette files in KinectSandbox\KinectSandbox_Data\StreamingAssets\Colors folder. They have been divided into three subfolders for easier navigation. If you decide to add your own palettes, place them in one of the existing folders, make a new one, or simply save them to the main folder. The files have to be standard text .txt files you can edit with Notepad.
The palette being used is defined in the currently loaded preset file, or chosen on the secondary screen (touchscreen/tablet).
Up until KinectSandbox_v2.1:
In the settings… file you’ll find this line:
ColorsPalette”: 0 – where ‘0’ is the alphabetic index of file from KinectSandbox\KinectSandbox_Data\StreamingAssets\Colors [0, 1, 2, 3…];
All color palette files are named according to the pattern: [0_colors…, 1_colors…, 2_colors…]. This way it’s easy to assign a numer to a file. Take it into account if you decide to change file names or create your own files.
Since KinectSandbox_v2.1:
In the settings… file you’ll find this line:
“ColorsPalette”: “1_complex/00_colors_realhipso.txt” – name of the sub-folder and file from the colors folder;
All color palette files are named according to the same pattern as before [0_colors…, 1_colors…, 2_colors…], with the difference that they are now divided into subfolders; to change the palette, in the settings… file you have to enter its full name and location; the same applies to the palettes and folders you created yourself; when choosing a palette located outside the sub-folders, simply drop the first part of the file description and remove the slash (“ColorsPalette”: “1_folder/00_colors_palette.txt”);
When adding your own subfolders, consider adding captions to the localization file.
We recommend editing the files using Notepad++.
Each file consists of lines of text, from 1 up to 27.
Each line represents a single color. Colors are transcribed in hex notation.
The first line describes the bottom of the projection (lowest regions).
The last line describes the top (highest region).
On the projected image, each line of text will be ended with a contour line. This means if you put two lines describing the same color, you will have a contour line projected right in the middle of this color’s region (unless you turn the contour lines off).
Don’t leave empty lines at the end or at the beginning of the file.
Sample file
This file represents a pattern with three colours: red, green, and blue.
Colour red (#FF0000) will be projected at the bottom of the sandbox.
Colour blue (#0000FF) will be projected at the top of the sandbox.
Two layers of colour green (#00FF00) will be divided by a contour line in the middle.
Color Palette Generator
You can use our script to generate your colour palettes. Click on the link below.