The Settings files describe a set of preset-specific parameters and/or overwrite the ones defined in GlobalSettings. Files settings_0-9 correspond to 10 presets available at keys 0-9 on a keyboard/keypad. When touchscreen control is activated, the application loads settings_mode_0-3 files. Those correspond to the four modes of the app.
Files location:
Values in bold are recommended ones and can be used as a reference. They are set in the files by default. Values in [brackets] describe the possible range.
Parameters that are by default defined in the GlobalSettings file are described in the previous article. They will be listed here with a right annotation.
“UseGlobal”: true, – This line states that the global value of a parameter is used [true, false]; change to ‘false’ to overwrite;
“Value”: 0 – Default when using global values; enter the right value here when overwriting; value range for individual parameters can be found in the previous article;
“Mode”: 0 – Application mode [0 – Interactive Map, 1 – GraviBall, 2 – MagicWorlds, 3 – DigQuest, 4 – SandscapeSecrets]; in a setup with touchscreen there will be 5 settings_mode_ files, each for a different module; in a setup without touchscreen you can freely assing the 4 modes to the 10 available preset settings_ files;
“TargetFPS”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
“RefreshRate”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
“TerrainBottomLevel”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
“TerrainTopLevel”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
“TerrainMinLevel”: –By default in GlobalSettings;
“TerrainMaxLevel”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
“Walls”: {
“Right”: ,
“Left”: ,
“Top”: ,
} – By default in GlobalSettings;
“WaterDropOffset”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
“SandboxTopLevel”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
“SandboxBottomLevel”: – By default in GlobalSettings;
Interactive Map
Parameters listed below apply to the Interactive Map mode; they should be defined in settings_mode_0 and/or settings_0…6 files;
“ColorsPalette”: “1_complex/00_colors_realhipso.txt” – Color scale palette – name of the folder and file from colors folder: KinectSandbox\KinectSandbox_Data\ StreamingAssets\Colors; the default color palette ‘1_complex/00_colors_realhipso.txt‘ is the hypsometric scale; you can create your own files according to the pattern;
“TerrainTopoLines”: true – Contour lines on/off [true, false];
“TerrainSmoothColors”: false – Colours blending on/off [true, false]; when set to ‘true’ the transitions between colour regions become smoother – in combination with contour lines switched off this can help achieve a more natural look;
“OverlayImage”: “0_maps/00_castles.png”, – Transparent image projected on top of the map – name of the file from folder: KinectSandbox\KinectSandbox_Data\ StreamingAssets\OverlayImages; you can upload your own images – they will be scaled to the size of your sandbox, so try to keep the same resolution as your projector native resolution to avoid quality losses and distortions; mind the naming pattern;
“OverlayImageActiveByDefault”: false – Turns on/off the overlay image visibility [true, false];
“WaterSettings“: Parameters listed below apply to the water simulation inside the Interactive Map mode; they should be defined in settings_mode_0 file;
“DrainMin”: 0.0, – Speed at which liquid is drained into the surface – minimum value available on the touchscreen control [0.0-500.0];
“DrainMax”: 150, – Speed at which liquid is drained into the surface – maximum value available on the touchscreen control [0.0-500.0];
“DrainValue”: 0.0, – Actual value of the speed at which liquid is draining into the surface [0.0-500.0];
“DropSizeMin”: 0.0, – Minimum value available on the touch screen [0.0-50.0];
“DropSizeMax”: 10.0, – Maximum value available on the touch screen [0.0-50.0];
“DropSizeValue”: 10.0, – Actual value of the amount of liquid dropped by waving the hand over the sandpit [0.0-50.0];
“WaterMaterialIndex”: 0, – Type of the fluid [0..6];
“WaterActiveByDefault”: true, – Is water activated by default on application start [true,false];
“WaterStaticLevel”: 4.8, – The amount of water dropped using the flood button [0..10];
“SetStaticLevelOnStart”: false – Flood area on start [true,false];
“GameSettings”: Parameters listed below apply to the GraviBall mode; they should be defined in settings_mode_1 and/or settings_7 files;
“ElementsScaleFactor”: 1.0 – Scale models for the best experience [0.1-10.0];
“LevelScaleFactor”: 1.0; – Scale game size to match sandpit size [0.1-10.0];
Magic Worlds
“ParadiseIslandSettings”: – Parameters listed below apply to the Magic Worlds mode; they should be defined in settings_mode_2 and/or settings_8 files;
“NormalizedWaterLevel”: 0.40 – Absolute water level [0.00-1.00]; independent from ‘TerrainBottom/TopLevels’; value 0.00 results in no water, value 1.00 results in water all over land;
“WaterSoft”: 0.47 – Water texture visibility [0.00-2.00]; also affects water colour;
“MinWaterColor”: 0.11 – Water clarity, or ‘blueness’ [0.00-2.00]; lower numbers give a more transparent look of shallow waters, higher numbers give an impression of deep abyss;
“WindDirection”: 60.0 – Direction the wind blows in; value is based on a 360 degree scale [0.0-360.0];
“WindPower”: 0.20 – Force of the wind [0.00-2.00];
“VolcanoEnabled”: false, – Activate volcano mode, when you make a hill and dig a hole on top of it, a volcano crater with lava should appear [true; false];
“CrabsEnabled”: false, – Enable mini crab game, stones appear – when you grab stone little crab is running [true; false];
“CrabLifetime”: 10.0, – Time (in seconds) the crab runs on the ground before hiding in the sand [0-30];
“CrabStoneLifeTime”: 15.0, – Time (in seconds) of stone existence, unless picked up [0-30];
“CrabStoneDisappearDelay”: 3.0, – The time (in seconds) it takes for the stone to disappear when you pick it up [0-30];
“ScaleFactor”: 1.0 – Scale models for the best experience [0.1-3.0];
“ArcheologySettings”: – Parameters listed below apply to the DigQuest mode; they should be defined in settings_mode_3 file;
“LevelingPrecision”: 0.005 – States how precisely the terrain has to be levelled [0.001-0.010]; lower numbers mean higher precision;
“LevelingTarget”: 0.70 – Portion of terrain that has to be levelled to start digging process [0.01-1.00];
“DiggingPrecision”: 0.002 – States how precisely the item has to be excavated [0.001-0.010]; lower numbers mean higher precision;
“DiggingTarget”: 0.80 – Portion of item that has to be excavated to finish the task [0.01-1.00];
“DiggingAreaOffset”: 4.00, – The parameter describes the amount of sand above the model (how deep you have to dig to see the model); [-10.00-10.00]
“ElementsScaleFactor”: 1.00 – Allows for scaling the hidden objects to match the size of the sandpit [0.01-3.00];
“ThicknessScaleFactor”: 1.00 – Allows for changing the thickness or ‘depth’ of the hidden object to match the depth of the sandpit [0.01-3.00];
Sandscape Secrets
“FadeSettings”: – Parameters listed below apply to the Sandscape Secrets mode; they should be defined in settings_mode_4 and/or settings_9 files;
“DefaultLayers“: “1_Faces”, – Name of the folder that contains the texture images, found in KinectSandbox\KinectSandbox_Data\StreamingAssets\FadingLayers; you can upload your own image sets – for best results try to keep the same resolution as your projector native resolution; mind the naming pattern;
“Size“: 40.0, – Size of the texture, set to match the sandpit size [0.01-100.00];
“OffsetX“: 0.95, – Texture offset X [-5.00-5.00];
“OffsetY“: 0.50 – Texture offset Y [-5.00-5.00];
3D Scanner
Parameters below are stored in global settings KinectSandbox\KinectSandbox_Data\StreamingAssets\GlobalSettings.txt “SavingPath”: “E:”, – A path or a drive letter [D:, E:, F:, etc.] where scanned object is saved. It can be mapped drive in a local network.